How to Improve an Immune System

How to Improve an Immune System

We live in a world where it's just harder to
stay healthy
. Fresh and
healthy food
is available, but you usually have to go out of your way to find it. The foundation of health is a healthy immune system, so the best way to get and stay healthy is to do whatever it takes to support your immune system. This can be a multi-pronged approach involving diet, exercise, supplementation and attitude.

Things You'll Need:

Varied diet

Basic vitamin and mineral supplements




Start with a healthy diet. This doesn't mean you can't ever have ice cream again. It does mean moderation in indulgences. It also means eating a varied diet, with an emphasis on healthy vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins and liquids. There is no magic food. Rather, emphasize a variety of colors and textures at every meal. Limit salt, sugar and fat. Have a salad along with your lunch, and dinner and make sure it includes a variety of colors and tastes. Have fatty fish like tuna or salmon at least twice a week. Eat a vegetarian diet one or two days each week. Drink plenty of water instead of caffeinated and sweetened beverages.


Find a good multi-vitamin and multi-mineral tablet. You will do better by buying them separately. Look for a mineral supplement that includes trace minerals. Your vitamin supplement should include as wide a range of vitamins as possible, from A to C and D and all the B vitamins. Take each supplement with a meal, but take them separately, because some vitamins and minerals will work against each other when it comes time for your body to absorb them.


Get some exercise every day. This doesn't mean you have to go out and run 5 miles a day. Start by making small changes. Park farther out in the parking lot, and walk to your destination. Take one flight of stairs before you get on the elevator. Do simple stretches several times a day. Get up from your desk once an hour, and walk around the perimeter of the floor where you work. Walk up and down one flight of stairs at each break.


Make time for genuine relaxation. This doesn't necessarily mean plopping on the couch in front of the television. Find a local park, and make time for a leisurely walk. Stop for a bit and just sit under a tree, watching the world go by. This will work even better if there's a lake or stream nearby to release good ions into the air.


Adopt a habit of meditation. Twice a day is optimum, but every little bit helps. The key here is removing yourself from the normal noise of your mind and the world around you. There are many excellent books on meditation, or find a local teacher. Your mind and your body will be grateful.

Tips & Warnings

A good rule of thumb for food is the less processing the better. Whole grain is better than refined; raw is better than cooked.

Sitting burns more calories than lying down. Standing burns more than sitting. Moving burns more than standing.

Breathe. You'll be amazed how much more energy you'll have if you breathe more deeply. That means out as well as in.

Learn to let go of stress. This may be the most important thing of all. All of these steps will help you do that.

Don't set yourself up to fail. Make these changes as gradually as you feel comfortable. This is supposed to make you feel good!

Ask your doctor or other health care professional if you have any questions about any of these changes.

How to Improve Allergies With Yoga Breathwork

How to Improve Allergies With Yoga Breathwork

Allergies can produce itchy, watery eyes, congestion and sinus issues. However, by incorporating yoga breath work into your daily routine you can help alleviate annoying allergy symptoms. Allergy sufferers will find relief when they practice yoga breath work on a daily basis. Allergens will be cleared from nasal passages and allergy symptoms will be greatly reduced. When exhaling old breath from the bottom of the lungs, your bodies will get rid of accumulated toxins built up in lungs. Asthma sufferers can also greatly benefit from the practice of yoga breath work.

Things You'll Need:

Yoga mat or chair


Sit on mat or sit on chair. Raise hands above head and inhale deeply through the nostrils. Hold the breath for the count of three (keep hands raised over head). Exhale slowly to the count of six while you release your hands to your side. Make a whisper sound in the back of your throat, but do not open your mouth. Repeat this warm up breath four to six times.


Place your thumb over your right nostril and inhale deeply through your left nostril to the count of three. Take your pinkie finger and pinch your left nostril and hold the breath for three counts. Release your thumb from your right nostril and inhale to the count of three. Inhale through the right nostril to the count of four and then pinch your thumb over your right nostril. Hold breath to the count of three. Release pinkie finger from left nostril and exhale to the count of three. Repeat four to six sets on each side of nostril.


Sit with your back and spine straight. Place your hands to your side (palms facing to the sky) or place both hands on top of your stomach. Inhale and exhale quickly like you are panting. Breathe through your nostrils in quick, forced breaths. Feel the rise and fall of your stomach as you pant quickly (if you place your hands on your stomach). Breathe in and out through nostrils at ten to twenty times. After completing first set, inhale deeply through the nose and exhale deeply through the nose. Repeat two to four sets.


Close your eyes and inhale slowly to the count of six and exhale slowly to the count of six through the nostrils. Raise your hands above your head as you inhale naturally through your nostrils and then release your hands to your sides as you exhale naturally through the nostrils.


Complete your breath work practice by bringing your palms together at heart center with the word: Namaste (which ends the yoga breath work practice).

Tips & Warnings

The dynamic panting breath (Breath of Fire) is more challenging so if you feel dizzy during this breath work, stop immediately and rest. If you have a medical condition, please check with your doctor before attempting this breath work. Slow, controlled breathing opens up nasal passages (which helps clears out allergens from sinuses) and more forceful breath work allows fresh, clean air to circulate through lungs and also helps boost the immune system.

How to Identify Sports Massage Contraindictions

How to Identify Sports Massage Contraindictions

Sport massages can be very soothing and healing as long as they are done under the right conditions. However, under certain circumstances, they should be avoided. These conditions are known as contraindications.


Areas of the body that have recently been injured should not be massaged. To do so could do further damage and slow the recovery process. This includes open wounds, muscle ruptures, tendon ruptures, contusions, burns and broken bones. Wait until any injuries have healed before having those areas massaged.


Some diseases are considered to be contraindications. These include rheumatoid arthritis, gout, infections of the soft tissue and skin, bleeding disorders, and tumors. Getting a
massage with these ailments could cause serious complications including death.


Have an evaluation from a medical professional before getting a sports massage. This will help determine if you have contraindications that you may not be aware of and you can be advised on when and if it would be safe for you to have a sports massage.

How to Identify Myofascial Trigger Points

How to Identify Myofascial Trigger Points

Pain is a normal function of the human body. Constant pain isn't. Muscles may develop myofascial trigger points as a result of acute trauma, repetitive stress, nutritional deficiency, fatigue or emotional stress. Easily misdiagnosed and non-responsive to standard pain management therapies, trigger points do respond to direct massage techniques.


Consult with your physician to eliminate possible causes of your pain. Trigger point symptoms of muscle stiffness, weakness, nausea, distortions in posture, and dizziness mimic symptoms of common ailments that should be treated with proper protocol.


Analyze your pain. Trigger point pain manifests as an oppressive ache in your muscles. Trigger points also refer pain to distant sites, such as aching feet from tight calves. If the pain is persistent and unresponsive to conventional therapy, it's possible you have trigger points.


Locate the trigger point with direct pressure over the pain site. There will be a taut knot in the muscle belly that can be felt by sensitive fingers, accompanied by pain in the immediate area, possible referred pain in a distant site and a local twitch in the muscle.


Don't confuse this with a tender point which is highly sensitive to pressure and generates pain only at the site of the pressure.


Confirm your self-diagnosis with a certified massage therapist trained in trigger point recognition.

Tips & Warnings

Trigger points are often confused with acupressure points. Although similar in theory, trigger points are based on hard science and can be felt with the fingers. Acupressure meridians can't.

Trigger points can generate headaches or joint pain, mimic tendonitis and bursitis.

The majority of physicians and alternative therapy specialists aren't trained in myofascial trigger point diagnosis and management.

How to Identify Common Pressure Points in Acupressure

How to Identify Common Pressure Points in Acupressure

As an alternative therapy, acupressure shares similarities with acupuncture and reflexology. All focus on pressure points of the body to alleviate a wide range of ailments and to promote better health. Once you learn the location of common pressure points, you can treat yourself with acupressure.


Look for pressure points located at major muscle groups. Using fingers, feel for a knot in an indentation at the muscle.


Identify pressure points by their location and a number used by acupressurists. For example, GB-30 stands for Gallbladder 30, located in the gluteal area and used to increase joint movement.


Remember some of the 400 pressure points of the body through the translation of Chinese names. For example, the "Letting Go" points at the outer part of the upper chest release tension and stress.


Manage coughing with the LU-9 pressure point on the inside of your wrist. Press on the depression between the pulse point and the tendon from your thumb.


Address digestive problems with ST-36, also known as "Leg Three Miles." Locate it four fingers below the knee in the depression on the outside of the leg between the bone and muscle.


Care for low back pain with several different pressure points, including the "Sea of Vitality" or Bladder 23 near the waist at the second lumbar vertebrae of the back, four finger widths from the spine.

Tips & Warnings

Apply firm and constant pressure using your finger or thumb in acupressure treatments.

Acupressurists recommend breathing deeply and visualize letting go of negativity while applying pressure on the points.

If you want to use acupressure for many different ailments, invest in an acupressure points chart from a good text or the Acupressure Institute.

As an alternative therapy, acupressure hasn't been proven effective with all ailments. Consult a health practitioner for recent or serious pain.

How to Identify Ayurveda Dosha Type

How to Identify Ayurveda Dosha Type

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old science that originated in India and is practiced around the world. Literally translated as “science of life,” Ayurveda is a comprehensive system that provides guidelines for diet and lifestyle to support your health. There are 3 doshas, or mind/body types, in Ayurveda, and we can be predominantly one type of a combination of 2 or 3. Your dosha will help you determine what foods to eat and which to avoid and how to adapt your lifestyle so it does not go against your natural mind/body type.


Begin by taking a basic dosha questionnaire at one of the links below. You might also choose to read up on the subject or consult with a certified Ayurvedic specialist.


To determine your dosha type, consider if you fit the Vata dosha. Vatas tend to be small, slight and wiry. They seem to be in constant motion and are quick to learn and quick to forget. Vata is identified with the air element and tends to multi-task: one sees Vatas eating, talking on their cell phone and reading a magazine all at once. Prone to constipation, dry skin, irregular appetite, Vatas are best nourished by a diet of fresh and cooked vegetables, soups, juicy fruits, not too many raw fruits and in general, foods that are of the earth element to ground their flighty nature.


Consider if you might be a Pitta, who is generally of medium build with obvious muscle and strength. Pittas are often athletic and competitive, driven and action-oriented. Pittas are also known for their fiery nature and can become hot under the collar if they push themselves too far. A diet that is cooling and not too astringent is appropriate. Pittas should avoid aggravating their fiery constitution by limiting spicey foods, fermented foods, and by not basking in the heat of the sun.


Consider if you are a Kapha, who tend to be the heavier and rounder of all 3 doshas. Slow-moving, with excellent endurance, Kaphas may not say a lot but when they do speak, it is in measured, thoughtful sentences. If imbalanced, Kaphas may be overweight or have a risk for diabetes or hypertension. Raw fruits, salads, vegetables, whole grains and easy-to-digest foods are best for Kaphas. They tend to dislike exercise or movement, but this can create stagnation and weight gain.


Experiment with your newfound knowledge by keeping a food diary. Record what you eat, when you eat, and how you feel later.


View the links below to learn much more about how Ayurveda can help you establish eating habits that will support your health.

Tips & Warnings

Vatas tend towards insomnia: to counter it, Vatas should maintain a regular schedule of eating and sleeping at regular times to establish a routine.

Pittas tend to have large appetites, but this can get out of hand. They can maintain their athletic activity and eat smaller meals throughout the day to avoid excess.

Kaphas like to nap and can become sluggish. Starting a modest 20 minute daily walking program in the morning can jumpstart metabolism and refresh a Kapha’s perspective.

If you have any chronic diseases or other serious health conditions, consult a licensed Ayurvedic specialist for guidance.

How to Identify an Active Trigger Point in Massage

How to Identify an Active Trigger Point in Massage

An active trigger point is where a muscle is in spasm. You can locate and defuse a trigger point by paying attention to the reaction when the point is pressed. The source of tension, which may feel like a "knot," also causes a twitch or sharp pain when pressed.


Use a trigger point therapy guide to narrow down the zone of trigger points for the area you're working on. Palpate the muscle in that area with your fingertips or knuckles.


Look for spots that cause a sharp pain that radiates toward the area of referred pain, as those are active trigger points. Latent trigger points may cause the same electrical tingle, but only an active trigger point will hurt when pressed.


Press on the active trigger point for 10 seconds, then release. This pressure briefly hurts, but the release of tension afterward makes it worthwhile. Increased blood flow to the area as the muscle relaxes relieves longterm pain.


Notice where pain radiates when you press active trigger points and explore those other areas to find satellite, or referred, trigger points. You can keep them from becoming active trigger points by clearing them while they are still latent.


Revisit the active trigger points during each massage session to release any recurring muscle spasm areas and ease pain.

How to Identify a Secondary Trigger Point in Massage

How to Identify a Secondary Trigger Point in Massage

It's estimated that 23 million persons suffer from one or more disorders of the musculoskeletal system. These are among the leading causes of disability in the working population. When the strong muscles are overloaded to the point of creating trigger points, their opposition muscles will develop trigger points of their own.


Begin treatment with a relaxing massage to warm up muscles. Verbally guide the therapist's screening exam to isolate and identify primary trigger points. Secondary triggers appear in synergistic and antagonist muscles. For example, primary triggers in biceps have secondary points in the triceps.


Guide the therapist in application of gentle pressure to the secondary pain site to locate the hard knot within the muscle. Increase pressure slowly for about 10 to 20 seconds. The muscle should release and the pain subside.


Stretch the muscles carefully and slowly to realign them to proper length. The range of motion you have reflects how much improvement is shown.


Continue probing for trigger points in the area to deactivate all problems.

Tips & Warnings

Secondary trigger points develop as compensation for an overloaded primary muscle or referred pain from a key trigger point. They inhibit range of motion. Like primary trigger points, they appear as a hard knot in the muscle fiber. They're painful under pressure and twitch in response to snapping motion applied to the muscle.

Treatment of key trigger points doesn't deactivate secondary triggers. In fact, relieving key trigger points makes it easier to determine if secondaries are present as the muscles are out of balance in the opposite direction of stress.

Refer to your medical and personal history to determine possible lifestyle habits that contribute to the formation of secondary trigger points. In addition, provide a history of illness and injury to the therapist, highlighting any suspect activities and major areas of pain or movement restrictions. Plan a course of treatment around your medical history.

How to Identify a Latent Trigger Point in Massage

How to Identify a Latent Trigger Point in Massage

Trigger points can exist indefinitely in a latent state and accumulate for years without pain. Often misdiagnosed, they manifest as the stiff joints and restricted mobility experienced by seniors. Most people have latent trigger points in their abdomen. Upper abdominal triggers collect along the lower ribs, mid-section triggers are found to either side of the belly button and lower abdomen triggers lay along the pelvis and pubic bones.


Talk with the patient to determine his major complaint. When working on yourself, choose your most aggravating pain to start with. Latent triggers can erupt anywhere a key trigger point resides. Refer to a trigger point chart to isolate your starting point.


Warm up the area to be worked on with heating pads or hot towels. Your target area must be in a relaxed state. Muscles shouldn't be flexed or stretched. Support limbs for relaxation. Sit or lie down comfortably to work on your torso or neck.


Press along the muscle fiber in the target area. Feel for a hard nodule within the belly of the muscle. Latent trigger points are extremely sensitive and respond to pressure with intense pain in the immediate area. They don't refer pain to a distant site.


Deactivate the trigger point with a firm, but gentle massage. Use short strokes in a single direction. Aim for a pain threshold of six or seven on a scale of one to ten. To completely deactivate the trigger point, continue massaging until it no longer hurts.


Massage deep lying trigger points with your fist or supported fingers. Employ a tennis ball between your target area and a wall or floor. Specially designed theracanes are useful for hard to reach spots.

Tips & Warnings

The majority of physicians and alternative therapy professionals aren't versed in myofascial trigger point therapy diagnosis. Massage therapists trained in trigger point therapy can relieve the knot with a short series of sessions.

Examine your lifestyle to determine how the damage might have occurred. Latent trigger points are activated by strain, over-stretching, sudden twisting motions or overuse. Childbirth can cause latent trigger points in the mother's abdomen.

If the pain doesn't respond to therapy or grows worse, consult a physician to determine if another cause is responsible.

How to Identify a Key Trigger Point in Massage

How to Identify a Key Trigger Point in Massage

Myofascial trigger points are responsible for persistent pain in approximately 10 percent of the United States population. Similar to fibromayalgia, trigger points generate muscular pain in localized zones. Active or key trigger points cause pain at rest. They can cause decreased range of motion, distortion of posture and manifest as migraines or TMJ.


Talk with the patient to determine where and how badly his pain manifests. Refer to a trigger point chart to locate the best place to start examination. Self-diagnosis follows the same procedure.


Warm up the area to be worked on with heating pads or hot towels.


Isolate the trigger point by pressing gently on the referenced spot. A key trigger point generates pain immediately under firm pressure and refers pain to a distant site at the same time.


Rub your fingers across the grain of the muscle. A local twitch response also indicates the presence of a trigger point.


Key trigger points may also generate latent trigger points along the nerve pathway.

Tips & Warnings

If the pain doesn't respond to therapy, consult a regular physician to determine if another cause is responsible.

The majority of physicians and alternative therapy professionals aren't versed in myofascial trigger point therapy diagnosis. Massage therapists trained in trigger point therapy can relieve the knot with a short series of sessions.

Trigger points can reappear. An examination of lifestyle is required to determine how the damage is being done.

How to Use Medicinal Herbs Safely

How to Use Medicinal Herbs Safely

Many people use medicinal herbs to treat conditions that they formerly treated with prescription medication. Herbs may have many benefits for treating colds, flu, sore throats and even depression. As with prescription medications, you must know how to use medicinal herbs safely. Follow these steps to learn how.


Research different medicinal herbs before taking anything. Check out Di-Di Hoffman's Timeless Herb Secrets website for information on herbs. From the homepage, click on "Wellness Articles" from Quick Links to access some herbal remedies. You also should review the "Herb Info Pages" as well.


Use medicinal herbs that have the scientific name on the package. If it doesn't have both the genus and the species, there is no guarantee of authenticity. For example, the genus species of thyme is Thymus Vulgaris.


Pay attention to all the warnings on medicinal herbs. Take the recommended dosage to treat your ailment. Even though it's an herb, you can overdose.


Watch for adverse reactions when taking medicinal herbs. There is the possibility that you could be allergic to some herbs. Stop taking the herb and call your physician if you experience a rash, dizziness, diarrhea, itching or abdominal cramps.


Be cautious of new herbs or popular herbs with new uses. These have not been around long enough for people to experience all the possible side effects or to know its interaction with other medications or herbs.

Tips & Warnings

Never give medicinal herbs to a child under 2 without first talking to your pediatrician. Even though most herbal medicines claim to be safe for
6 months and over, taking the wrong dosage can produce an allergic reaction. It even can be fatal.

How to Use Kitchen Herbs for Medicine

How to Use Kitchen Herbs for Medicine

Most of us have a very good medicinal herb storehouse--we just don't realize it. Our kitchens are loaded with herbs and spices that we use when we cook.

They are not only good for cooking but they also have medicinal value. An example of this is
. When I have menstrual cramps, I like to experiment with different herbs to see which will work to relieve them the best. The most effective one for me is basil, which I always keep on hand because of all the Italian cooking I do.

I also use sage for sore throats, ginger for inflammation and to keep my metabolism going strong, and I love to use cayenne when I have colds to relieve congestion and boost my immune system.

What follows is a list of typical kitchen herbs and what they are used for when it comes to medicine.

Things You'll Need:

A pantry filled with herbs

Resources to do your own research such as a good website or a good herbal book


Basil: menstrual cramps, digestive problems, expels gas.


Oregano: pain and inflammation, antifungal.


Cinnamon: colds and flu, diabetes, metabolism.


Cayenne: pain (when applied topically), colds and flu, strengthens the metabolism, congestion.


Mint: digestion, antispasmodic (makes it good for cramping), relieves flatulence.


Rosemary: used topically for skin problems and dandruff, stimulates menstrual flow, relieves inflammation and spasms.


Dill: good for the digestion, seeds encourage breast milk to flow.


Parsley: filled with vitamins and minerals, used topically for dandruff, bad breath, bladder infections, diuretic.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure you research the articles on your own.

Consult with a doctor before using any of the herbs.

Beware of any side effects.

How to Use Instant Iced Tea as a First Aid Tool

How to Use Instant Iced Tea as a First Aid Tool

Instant Iced Tea mix wasn't created to be a first aid tool; but in an emergency, something is always better than nothing. You can reap some home made medical knowledge and become the resident first aid expert at home if you follow the steps below.

Things You'll Need:

Instant tea

Large bowl

Milk of magnesia

Burnt toast

In Case of Poisoning


Neutralize the poison or induce vomiting if possible. If someone has ingested poisoning, either corrosive or noncorrosive, administer the correct first aid immediately.


Mix 1 tsp of instant tea with 2 tbsp. of water.


Add 2 tbsp milk of magnesia and 4 tbsp of very burnt toast. Mix thoroughly.


Give the solution to the patient and make him drink it.



Other Instant Iced Tea Remedies


Soak your foot in a bath of 1 cup of instant iced tea diluted by 1 gallon of warm water to get rid of a corn. Do procedure for 30 minutes for a week or two, as necessary.


Secure some instant soothing for that sunburn. Fill up the bath tub with some warm water and add about 2 cups of instant tea and soak. The pain from the sunburn will be gone, or at least relieved a bit.

Tips & Warnings

If the patient is unconscious, never give anything by mouth.

How to Use Indian Head Massage

How to Use Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage has been practiced for over 4,000 years, mostly as a way to prevent hair loss. The theory behind Indian Head Massage is that energy channels in the body get blocked and negative energy builds up, causing physical problems. Thousands of years later, Indian Head Massage is still a popular way to promote hair growth. However, it's also used as a gentle method for easing stress.


Set the scene in a quiet room, play soft music and light some aromatherapy candles. While you can perform Indian Head Massage on yourself to a degree, it's best to have it done for you or to do it for someone else. Ask someone to become your "practice partner" and switch off.


Seat your partner in front of you in a chair. Stand behind them with your hands gently on their shoulders. Squeeze the shoulders gently, starting close to the neck and working your way out to the shoulder. Return to the neck and repeat three times, increasing the pressure each time.


Bring your hands back to the neck and start making circular motions with your thumbs just below the collar bone. Work up to the hair line, lower the hands and repeat twice.


Place your forearms at the sides of your practice partner's neck and roll them out towards the shoulders by flipping the wrist outwards. Keep going until you get to the shoulders. Return to the middle of the back and repeat two more times.


Stand to one side of your partner and gently place your back hand at the base of their neck and your front hand on their forehead to keep their head still. Using the back hand, spread the thumb from the fingers and move up the back of the neck. Once you reach the hair line, touch it for a moment with light pressure. Lower the back hand and repeat 5 times.


Massage your partner's scalp by starting at either side of her head. With fingers pointing up, begin a gentle, shampooing-like motion, moving the fingers around the scalp 5 times. Return your back and front hands to their former positions on your partner's head. Start rubbing the scalp by moving the back hand back-and-forth. Switch hands and do the other side. Continue the all-over scalp rub with your finger tips for 1 minute.


Stand behind your partner again and move your fingers to the front of her forehead. Work your way in long strokes down and along the brow line and to each temple. Make tiny circles over the temples with your index and middle fingers. Bring your hands back to the forehead and repeat 3 times. Finish up with smooth, long strokes from the forehead to the back of the head for 1 minute, easing the pressure until your hands drift off your partner's head altogether.

Tips & Warnings

If you have any muscular conditions that require medical supervision, you'll need to check with your doctor before having an Indian Head Massage.

How to Use Hydrotherapy

How to Use Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy literally means water therapy. Our bodies are 70 percent water so it makes sense water would be life giving, healing and restorative. Even ancient civilizations knew of water's magical properties and built springs and spas. Today, there are several different ways to use hydrotherapy and all are accessible, easy and affordable. Read on to learn more.


Try neutral immersion baths. Water should be tepid, about 92 F to 98 F, and dotted with your favorite fragrance. This should be a relaxing experience lasting from 15 minutes to an hour. To get full advantage from an immersion bath allow yourself to rest quietly at least one hour afterward.


Mix up a sitz bath. Use warm water for cramps and hemorrhoids and cold water for constipation. If you alternate hot with cold, you can help fight a urinary tract infection. The healing effects of this form of hydrotherapy are increased if minerals or herbs are added, but be careful which ones you use if you are fighting hemorrhoids.


Start an aquatic exercising program. Most doctors agree exercising in water is helpful when you are recovering from surgery, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, chronic pain or just want a low impact regime. This form of hydrotherapy gives you the benefit of a two-hour workout in just 30 minutes and burns twice the calories of exercises you would do out of the swimming pool.


Immerse yourself in a warm bath with water jets aimed at the aching parts of your body. This form of hydrotherapy will ease pain, relieve tension and help oxygen get into your cells.


Treat your feet to an alternating foot bath where your feet are submerged in hot water at 100 F for 5 minutes, then in cold water at 50 F for 30 seconds. When repeated twice this footbath will dilate and contract vessels which will move blood and lymph through your body to stimulate the immune system, improve circulation and encourage faster elimination of waste.


Participate in a 14-day mineral water drinking regimen. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and others are beneficial. People with high blood pressure need to avoid this form of hydrotherapy because some mineral waters are high in sodium.

Tips & Warnings

Water temperature matters. Buy a thermometer to make sure the temperature for the immersion, sitz and alternating foot baths are appropriate as indicated above.

Consult your physician before using any form of hydrotherapy if you have diabetes, asthma, heart disease, kidney disease or bleeding problems. Pregnant women should avoid any form of hydrotherapy that requires extreme water temperatures.

How to Select Shoes to Wear With a Knee-Length Skirt or Dress

How to Select Shoes to Wear With a Knee-Length Skirt or Dress

Knee-length skirts and dresses are perfect for business occasions, sassy for an evening out and practical for a summer party. Your shoes will vary for every occasion.

Things You'll Need:

Women's Boots

Women's Closed-toed Shoes

Women's Dancing Shoes

Women's Dress Shoes

Women's Sandals


Consider where you'll be wearing your outfit. For a casual job, loafers and flats are excellent choices. For a dressier job, stick with pumps. Go out on the town in strappy, high-heeled sandals. When attending summer parties, opt for the more casual wedge-heeled sandal.


Choose color wisely. Black is a business standard. Navy is most appropriate when worn with a navy outfit. A rich medium brown will casually complement all tan, navy and black-toned ensembles.


Play with the color of your leisure time shoes. Contrast your black evening attire with a bright red or hot pink shoe. Or coordinate the color of your top with the color of your shoes.


Wear knee-high boots in the winter months to keep warm. Because this look can shorten the appearance of the leg, give short legs a lift with a slight heel.


Balance the weight of your garment with that of your shoes. Lightweight fabrics like silk and linen are best accessorized with lightweight leather and microfiber shoes. Heavier leather shoes will balance thicker skirts.


Remember that suede is considered more casual than leather, and patent leather will dress up your spring ensembles.

Tips & Warnings

When venturing out in sandals, remember your toes! Touch up toenail polish, and ensure the color complements your outfit.

When your good leather shoes get caught in the rain or land in a puddle, blot the excess moisture and air dry. Avoid drying them with any heat sources, as this will parch the leather and damage the shoe.

How to Select Shoes to Wear With a Full-Length Gown

How to Select Shoes to Wear With a Full-Length Gown

Whether it's a night at the opera, your office
party or a celebration to ring in the new year, the right pair of shoes will add the final touch to your ensemble. Strappy sandals, stilettos, ballet slippers ' the possibilities are endless.

Things You'll Need:

Formal Gowns


Women's Closed-toed Shoes

Women's Dress Shoes


Consider the color of your dress. Decide whether you would like to match the color of your dress or whether you prefer to contrast your dress and match your shoes with your handbag.


Consider the fabric. For a flowing, lightweight silk dress, consider strappy sandals or mules. For a heavier fabric such as velvet or a heavy silk, consider patent-leather, supple-leather or velvet shoes.


Complement the embellishments in your dress with those in your shoes. If your dress has embroidery, rhinestones or appliquГ©s, look for textured shoes with similar decoration. If your gown has gold or silver accents on a solid background, gold- or silver-toned shoes make a great contrast.


Take a moment to focus on the length of your dress. Evaluate whether it will sweep the floor without a few extra inches.


Think about the height of your
. If you need a few extra inches to reach him, look at mid- and high-heeled shoes. If you're evenly matched in height, look at ballet slippers or low-heeled mules.


Remember to consider comfort when you are shopping. You might find a very beautiful shoe that will be perfect for a sit-down event. If your activities call for a few hours of dancing, however, buy shoes that can get you through the evening as comfortably as possible.

Tips & Warnings

If you wear stilettos, give your feet a break when you sit down for the performance or dinner by slipping off your shoes. Your calves and lower back will thank you in the morning.

Treat yourself to a pedicure if you choose open-toed styles.

How to Select Shoes for Stripping

How to Select Shoes for Stripping

Selecting shoes for stripping can be fun. However it's important to select shoes that are comfortable and will allow you to dance and move around the stage freely. You want to radiate sexiness and self confidence. Selecting the correct shoes will help you with this accomplishment and prevent any unnecessary embarrassments.


Decide what color of shoe you want before making your selection. You may have several outfits that need matching shoes. If out shopping, bring along the outfit to determine an appropriate match.


Find a shoe that is sexy, yet comfortable to wear. Try it on and walk around the area, paying special attention on how it feels on your foot. If choosing a backless shoe, be sure it will not fall off during a performance.


Adjust the ankle straps on the shoe if need be. Walk around to test the comfort of the shoe. If the strap is too tight or loose, make necessary adjustments and then try again. If selecting a boot, be sure it's tight enough around your calf and ankle.


Determine what dance move you will be performing on stage when selecting a shoe for stripping. If you are pole dancing, you may want a high heel of some sort that can hook around the pole. A shorter heel may be more appropriate if parading back and forth.


Check the bottom of the shoe. You do not want one that is slippery as this may cause you to fall while dancing on stage. A shoe with traction on the bottom can prevent slipping or falling.

Tips & Warnings

Select shoes with easy release, not lots of straps or zippers, if you will be shedding your footwear along with your clothes.

How to Select Shoes for Spring

How to Select Shoes for Spring

Spring fashion is all about ditching heavy clothing and dark colors for bright styles and fun prints. Look for navy blue nautical themes, polka dots, floral prints and neutral shades when shopping for classic spring looks. Get those spring skirts out of the closet and breathe new life into them with a pair of great looking shoes.


Select a pair of flats or ballet slippers. Choose a pointy-toed flat to elongate the leg. Keep an eye out for ballet slippers with fun accents like flowers, buckles and bow ties. Consider a pair of comfortable flats with extra support for casual days at work or for spring travel.


Select flip-flops for warm spring weekends. Choose classic rubber flip-flops if you want low-cost footwear. Dress up flip-flops with rhinestones and beads in metallic colors.


Get a pretty manicure and show it off with a great pair of peep-toe heels. Look for bold floral prints, red-and-white polka dots or madras-plaid patterns, or select classic spring solid colors like tan, navy blue and red.


Pick up a pair of rubber "duck" boots from an outdoor retailer like L.L. Bean, or look for a pair of mid-calf rubber rain boots. Tuck your jeans into your boots to keep them dry if you live in a rainy climate. Protect your shoes by strapping on a pair of colorful galoshes if you don't want to wear big boots. Pack a pair of nice heels and change out of your boots when you get to work if you take the bus or the subway to work.


Pick up a pair of rubber Crocs for working in the garden. These vented shoes are waterproof and they come in several different styles.


Buy a pair of wedge heels. Get a pair of wicker heels with fun gingham or floral prints for a spring picnic. Get a wood wedge in a solid color for everyday wear. Remember, the wider the wedge, the greater the ankle support.

Tips & Warnings

Pick up last year's most popular shoes at discount stores and end-of-season sales. Select classics, and you'll never have to worry about them going out of style.

Check return policies before you buy spring shoes. Make sure you can return your shoes if they create blisters or they're too hard to walk in.

How to Select Lingerie for a Honeymoon

How to Select Lingerie for a Honeymoon

You and your spouse are starting a new life together and that no doubt means you need some new stuff. When planning your dream honeymoon, remember to include lingerie in your budget.

Pick Nightwear and Sleepwear


Get some trashy bustiers, high cut bikinis, garter belts and stockings with high heels. You're going on your honeymoon, so make the most of it!


Select at least one indulgence. A high quality long lasting peignoir set, for example, is something you are likely to wear again after your wedding night. Choose a long silky gown and robe or a well made lacy nightie that you can wear for a few years after you get married.


Select lingerie according to your honeymoon destination. Buy something appropriate for the weather in the region you are visiting or that fits with your wedding theme. You might choose vintage style lingerie for a trip to the old world or colors of the country's flag where you are vacationing.


Honeymoon in style. Are you a modern young wife or a romantic dreamer? Do you like plain cotton fabrics or light, lacy ones? There is lingerie for everyone from those who like glamour, flirty fun fashions and designer lingerie to those who like to roleplay their kinky fantasies.


Make room in your suitcase for practical lingerie. No doubt you will venture outside of your hotel room at some point during your vacation. When that happens, you will probably want to wear actual underwear under your clothes. Some everyday undergarments might not be a bad idea to add to your honeymoon shopping list.


Pick lingerie according to the time of year that you get married. There is lingerie with holiday themes (like
and Valentine's Day), as well as different colors for every season. Select heavier fabrics like velvet and velour for Winter and satin and lace for Spring.


Purchase a few sex toys to enhance your good time. Use them to accessorize your lingerie or to add to your honeymoon experience.


Remember that the groom can wear lingerie, too. Men's honeymoon indulgences include sexy silk boxers with a matching robe or novelty g-strings (see Resources below). Even if your guy isn't into the fancy stuff, chances are he would like some new boxers and t-shirts to wear for his new bride.

Tips & Warnings

As with shopping for anything else, it's helpful to make a lingerie shopping list before you go to the store.

You can register for lingerie items when you register for other gifts. Any large department store will have its own lingerie department, or register with a specialty lingerie boutique.

Try everything on before you buy it. Not all lingerie is returnable and there is nothing worse than going on your honeymoon only to find that your new bra is too small and rides up on your back.

How to Select Jeans That Mold the Butt

How to Select Jeans That Mold the Butt

If your butt is one of your best attributes or if you just like bringing attention to that area, you should select jeans that mold and shape your behind. The right pair of jeans can make a flat butt look plumper or offer some support and control to a larger, but not quite perfect, rear end. There are tons of choices, so take some time and find the pair that's perfect for you.


Look for jeans with Lycra, a stretchy material that revolutionized the jean business. When you select jeans with a little stretch, you allow for a more custom fit. They can keep the butt from jiggling excessively and mold your not-so-perfect proportions into a nicer profile.


Select jeans with interesting embellishments on the butt area. Depending on the design and your desire, your butt can look larger, smaller, flatter or rounder.


Splurge on a pair of custom-made jeans that are specifically made to mold to your butt. Such jeans are available both online and in stores. Even though they cost a little bit more, they can be made to fit like a glove.


Pick the right pocket. Choose a pocket size and placement that is right for your build. Smaller pockets make a smaller, flatter butt look fuller, and larger pockets, placed lower on the jeans, make a larger butt look smaller.


Try on a lot of jeans in order to find that perfect pair that will mold and shape your butt into something you want to show off.


Never settle for a pair of jeans that is complementary to your figure but not comfortable. You won't be able to show off how great your butt looks if you don't even want to don the jeans.

Tips & Warnings

If you find a pair of jeans that fits you perfectly, buy several pairs in different shades. There's nothing worse than finding the perfect jeans, and then getting a hole in them or losing them.

Don't be fooled into believing that a pair of jeans that molds your butt into a masterpiece must be expensive. There are jeans that complement every body type at every price level. Look in discount stores for deals.

Don't wear jeans that are too tight, as you can subject yourself to various infections and other medical maladies. They should fit snugly, but not so tightly that excess moisture forms and causes health problems.

How to Select High Heels and Avoid Foot Pain

How to Select High Heels and Avoid Foot Pain

During the holiday season and at other festive times of year, women enjoy wearing high heels. Unfortunately, significant foot pain and other foot problems can develop or be exacerbated by wearing high heels. It is important to select a pair of high heels that fit properly.


Never shop for high heels in the morning. Feet swell during the day and most likely, you'll want to wear your heels at night anyway.


Have the salesperson measure your feet. Stand up tall and be sure to have both feet measured. Feet are not always the same size.


Be open to trying a shoe in a different size. Sizes vary among manufacturers. Sometimes even a different style from the same manufacturer will require you to wear a different size.


Check the width of the shoe. If your foot is wider than the shoe when you are standing up, the shoe is too narrow for your foot.


Try on both shoes and walk around. If the shoes are not comfortable when you try them on they will not "break in" and become more comfortable. Don't allow yourself to buy beautiful shoes that you won't enjoy wearing.

Tips & Warnings

The lower the heel, the better for your feet.

The wider the heel, the better for your feet.

Stretch your feet and legs after wearing high heels.

Feet change with age. The fatty deposits that protect the ball of the foot decrease, making it more difficult to be comfortable in high heels.

When you wear heels higher than 2 inches, your foot slides forward in the shoe and your body' s natural alignment is thrown off.

How to Select Golf Umbrellas

How to Select Golf Umbrellas

Umbrellas are a staple in most golfers' bags to protect them against a sudden downpour on the course. Golfers don't just carry any umbrella, however. They carry golf umbrellas designed specifically to meet their needs. Golf umbrellas are larger and more sturdy than the average umbrella, making them a popular choice on and off the golf course.


Select an umbrella with a 60-inch diameter to provide maximum coverage. When you walk the course with your golf clubs, it's important to keep the rain off both yourself and your clubs. Outside of golf, these larger umbrellas also provide coverage for multiple people.


Buy an umbrella that has been wind tested. The best golf umbrellas are wind-proof in winds up to and beyond 55 mph. Look for double-layer canopy designs for the most wind protection, as the wind gusts slip under the top layer and pass through rather than inverting the umbrella or pulling it out of your hands.


Look for golf umbrellas with a fiberglass shaft. Fiberglass shafts are lighter and more flexible than metal shafts and pose less of a lightning hazard.


Select an umbrella with a plastic stake on the top point so that you can secure it into the ground when you have to make a shot. Otherwise, your umbrella could blow away when your put it down.


Test out the comfort of the umbrella's handle before you buy it. There are many different types of umbrella handles, but you want to get one you will find easy to hold and control in windy conditions. Most golf umbrellas have straight handles rather than hooked handles. Foam-covered handles are often the most ergonomic.

Tips & Warnings

Invest in a quality umbrella to last you for a long time. Cheap golf umbrellas don't perform well in harsh conditions, and you don't want to be stranded on the seventh hole in a downpour without an umbrella you can count on.

Buy golf umbrellas with your company logo or tournament info as promotional gifts. Several retailers will make custom golf umbrellas specifically for your event.

Automatic-open umbrellas are the easiest to open in a hurry. They may cost a little more, but for most they are worth it.

No umbrella can protect you from a lightning strike if you are standing outside during a thunderstorm. However, some materials may attract lightning more than others, and in the event that you are struck by lighting having a metal rod in your hand will conduct the electricity.

Be careful not to select a golf umbrella that is too big to fit in your bag.