How to Use Instant Iced Tea as a First Aid Tool

How to Use Instant Iced Tea as a First Aid Tool

Instant Iced Tea mix wasn't created to be a first aid tool; but in an emergency, something is always better than nothing. You can reap some home made medical knowledge and become the resident first aid expert at home if you follow the steps below.

Things You'll Need:

Instant tea

Large bowl

Milk of magnesia

Burnt toast

In Case of Poisoning


Neutralize the poison or induce vomiting if possible. If someone has ingested poisoning, either corrosive or noncorrosive, administer the correct first aid immediately.


Mix 1 tsp of instant tea with 2 tbsp. of water.


Add 2 tbsp milk of magnesia and 4 tbsp of very burnt toast. Mix thoroughly.


Give the solution to the patient and make him drink it.



Other Instant Iced Tea Remedies


Soak your foot in a bath of 1 cup of instant iced tea diluted by 1 gallon of warm water to get rid of a corn. Do procedure for 30 minutes for a week or two, as necessary.


Secure some instant soothing for that sunburn. Fill up the bath tub with some warm water and add about 2 cups of instant tea and soak. The pain from the sunburn will be gone, or at least relieved a bit.

Tips & Warnings

If the patient is unconscious, never give anything by mouth.